Minimalism, what is it?

If you asked ten different people who practice minimalism in their lives, what minimalism is, you would most likely not have two identical answers. In short, everyone perceives minimalism a little differently.

Minimalism, not to mention the artistic style of the 1960s, was mainly due to one simple thing. We live in a consumer world in which we are overwhelmed with things that we do not necessarily need to live. Minimalism, that is to say, reducing ownership to the least possible degree, ultimately leads to the fact that we do not spend on uselessness, and thus we have the opportunity to buy only quality things that can be socially responsible.

"The consumer society has resulted in the decision of many people to live minimalist and reduce their material possessions."


Minimalism in life

Living in a minimalist way is not easy. What makes a person perceive minimalism as a lifestyle? It is largely practiced by those who have traveled for some time or made a living as digital nomads. They have already been trained from a time when they managed to wrap everything in one small backpack. Some, however, learn about minimalism from the Internet and begin, for example, to reduce the amount of clothing to the least possible.

But minimalism is not just about clothes. If you are thinking about practicing this lifestyle, try to tell yourself what you are using every day in your apartment and what has been there for years. Do not be afraid to get rid of these uselessnesses and if you use cross-country skis for example every three years, you better borrow them. For this reason, too, the Library of Things or Library of Things project is based on a simple slogan: Why buy things when you can borrow them.

"Minimalism is considered by many as a lifestyle. They prefer to borrow things they use only minimally."


Minimalism as a lifestyle

Many can consider minimalism as their lifestyle. Minimalism in living can for some individuals really mean just a few pieces of clothes and a few pieces of functional, simple furniture made of quality materials that aerate the room. Minimalists get rid of material things and focus on experiences and positive emotions.

Minimalist architecture is defined as being free from formal manifestations, uncomplicated and overall factual. Thus, minimalist images and posters allow the owners to perceive only the essential and important components of art through the use of basic resources. And this is how we could continue to imagine minimalism forever.

"Minimalism is a lifestyle that can be applied in housing, architecture, or other art."


Why there is less in some companies

Minimalism begins to find its application not only in the lives of ordinary people, but also in business. Why do some companies follow minimalist rules? And why does it make them more successful companies?

Companies that replace the quantity with quality have more time to deal with the essentials. It is important to realize that less, sometimes more, and for example, designers creating a minimalist e-shop can provide the client with great success. For example, a minimalist system within a company itself can reduce the amount of:

Solidified processes

Minimalism can simplify a number of business processes, leading to greater efficiency.

Work meetings

Smaller meetings can only cause the most important meetings to be discussed in the remaining meetings and employees will spend more time working.

Corporate flyers and other promotional materials

Do you really need to make and print corporate flyers for each event? What the company saves on promotional materials can be spent on improving the quality of the event.

Office furniture

Just like the minimalist style of living, it means that with minimal resources, maximum effect can be achieved. The corporate premises will be clean, unconventional, simple, yet functional and refined. The quality of the materials used and the clean lines will make the space beautiful and airy.

"Less meetings will lead to increased work performance and reduction of office furniture to aerate space and optically magnify offices."


The benefits of minimalism in the workplace

Have you understood the main advantages of minimalism in life? Better things will replace the amount of poor quality. In addition, the order in the head and in the home has one unbeatable benefit. Fewer things means less cleaning and you have more free time to spend on your family, friends or hobbies. The icing on the cake is less worry about material things and social responsibility.

Would you like clean, unconventional, functional, refined yet simple spaces in your work? Do you think that you will not be able to convince the boss and maybe he would rather talk with his employment? Start at your desk first and maybe inspire other colleagues.

"The benefits of minimalism in the workplace are countless. For example, you get more free time. Your boss doesn't like your idea? Start at your desk."


Minimalist workspace

A minimalist workspace will lead to success in working matters. Desk clutter will not lead to higher productivity and a bad business card. Start by putting things in order and throwing out the "tweaks" you don't use, throw away or give it to your colleagues.

Do you really have to have paperwork everywhere and there is no simpler system of document filing such as desktop notes? Believe us, you don't need ten pens and pencils in your drawer, you just need one favorite you use every day. You'll be surprised at how much free space you can get. Pleasant, minimalist and simple workspace lets you focus on your work. So what are you waiting for?
