Herbs are among the most important sources of natural medicines. While healing power used to be used primarily by healing, they are now part of modern medicine. In addition to using their health benefits, herbs are also used in the kitchen. And they managed to take root in many Czech offices.

Burda International , one of the largest Czech publishing houses, is located in the Luxembourg Plaza building in Žižkov, Prague. In the atrium, which the local workers call it Pandee Range, they have several boxes, especially mint and lemon balm. Employees use them abundantly for tea. Mint is known for its beneficial effect on stomach problems. Lemon balm is popular not only for its typical lemon flavor and taste, but also for healing effects, be it sleep disorders, painful menstruation or digestive problems.

Fresh mint for Scott & Weber employees

Also, Scott & Weber , a provider of serviced and coworking space in Prague, has given the herbs green, with its branch in Prague 3, Flora. The terrace is decorated with mint, but also with basil, lavender, parsley and chives. Most common use? For lemonades and for lunch, but some visitors tear them home. Klára Hervertová, manager of the Flora Center, together with her colleague, is here to help the herbs thrive. "Just recently, we were bashing new basil after the winter, and the other winters surprisingly survived," she said.


Both specifically mentioned companies meet the general recommendations for growing herbs in offices, as described by Jindřich Paštika from Atalian company , which takes care of interior greenery in more than 60 offices in Prague.

“Indoor air conditioning and air humidity are not good conditions for growing herbs. Plants in pots are rather ornamental and will last only briefly. If you want to have herbs, put them in the atriums or on the terraces at the offices, ”advises Jindřich Paštika.

But there is also a need to consider whether plants will have the right conditions. Bad experience with (non) growing herbs is in Impact Hub in Prague. Although trying to plant herbs every year, they are unable to grow foliage throughout the year because they are exposed to severe sunlight in the summer months.

The okidome gadget helps you grow herbs on the window or on the fridge


According to Jindřich Paštika, basil, parsley, šnytlík or libeček are the most suitable, because they grow quite quickly. “We put a placard with the name of individual herbs in the boxes. For example, Czechs will know the snitch, but for a foreigner in a larger corporation it may be an unknown plant. It helps people not mow the lovage to drink, ”says the Atalian representative.

If you want your own herb garden or at least a box to set up in your company, how to do it? Jindřich Paštika recommends buying a larger container that can store at least 30 liters of soil so that the plants can take root. "We have an ordinary substrate, there's no need to buy anything special," he adds. “For our orders, we plant larger plants in the spring with larger plants, and about once every 14 days, the florist will come to check and eventually fertilize or plant new ones. Meanwhile, a cleaning service or a receptionist is watering them, ”concludes the manager from Atalian.

For inspiration: How they grow herbs at the EPP headquarters in Warsaw, Poland

Source: www.morethanoffice.eu